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Tenets of Grace Centered Coaching

Confidence As you work toward your goals, Grace Centered Coaching helps you to be who you are and in doing so, overcome insecurity. So many of us worry so much about what others think, and try so often to conform to what we perceive others expect of us that we lose the real sense of who we are. A Grace Centered Coaching relationship will accept you for who you really are, and help you do the same.


Relationship As you work toward your goals, Grace Centered Coaching helps you to respond well to your circle of people. Some are wind under our wings, and others are toxic sludge.  Some we are able to encourage and lead, others we cannot.  In all things, let we seek to let our speech always be with that we may know exactly how we should respond to each person.


Strength As you work toward your goals, Grace Centered Coaching helps us to grow through suffering so that when the trial itself has passed, we are better, stronger people. This strength building and encouragement puts us in a ready position to better be able to handle the next difficult circumstance.


Courage As you work toward your goals, Grace Centered Coaching helps you to discover and stand up for true beliefs. Once we have revealed self, and found what truth is, Grace Centered Coaching will support you in adjusting your beliefs to align to beautiful truth, or standing firm. Living in conflict with our true beliefs often causes stress and discord. We strive to support you in living authentic unabashed life.


Balance As you work toward your goals, Lewis Coaching helps you to balance your life within the framework of your deepest values -- family, friends, work, spiritual life, or your inner self. Pulling off your greatest dream while preserving your deepest values is best feeling you can have!


Boldness As you work toward your goals, Grace Centered Coaching helps you to discover what you need and ask for it. Being fully accepted for who you are paves the way for the humility required to ask for what you need.  And if you ask, you just might get it.

Grace CenteredTM Personal Coaching

There are certain themes that run through our time together.  These themes are the character qualities that a Grace Centered coach brings forward in his or her clients.  No matter what the issue we are tackling, confidence, relationship, strength, courage, balance, and humble boldness are qualities we will strive to develop.



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